AyeCode Ltd

Moving to an email-based support system

After 6 years of providing support through bbPress based forums with a total of 43,165‬ topics and 239,801‬ replies, we decided it was time to adopt a more efficient support system.

As of today, we closed new posting in the support forum and we moved to a Help Desk email-based support system.

The main reason for this is to provide a better service to our users and members, but also to provide a better tool for our support team to work with.

The forum helped us provide what many consider an excellent level of support and it generates a lot of traffic, acting as a knowledge-base for our users.

This is both good and bad because while it can help some users, it can mislead many others providing outdated information.

Our current documentation, while extensive and complete, can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. That’s probably the reason why many users relied on the forum.

For these reasons, we also decided to hire a professional technical writer, who will help us step up our documentation game.

We are in the process of rewriting all docs right now and we will transfer all valuable information that is actively searched on the forum, into our new knowledge-base.

Once this process will be finished, we will delete the entire forum.

Where is Support provided now?

as usual through:

For users with the AyeCode Connect Plugin installed, there is a new option.

The support beacon

You will find this icon on any of our plugins pages of your website backend.

If you click on it, it will open a window with documentation related to the backend page you are visiting (this is work in progress).

It also provides a quick form to contact our support team.

Grant us access to your site with one click

sometimes we require our users to give us access to their website backend to check their settings and debug their issues quicker.

Starting from today, if you have the AyeCode Connect plugin installed, you can provide access to our support, without having to create an admin user and sharing credentials.

Enabling the ” Temporary Support User Access” within the AyeCode Connect settings will allow our support team to access your site, without having to do anything else.

We added several layers of security checks, to prevent anyone to abuse this system. You can be 100% sure that ONLY our support team will be able to access your site when enabled.

We hope you’ll enjoy the new streamlined support experience and if you have any feedback, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below.